CJP orders IGPs to verify degrees and certificates of police
February 19, 2021 03:14 AM
Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Gulzar Ahmed directed the IGPs to verify the degrees and certificates of the police force starting from the PSP officers.
The chief justice issued directives while presiding over a meeting of Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan (LJCP) as the chairman of the body.
The CJP sought a report from secretaries concerned about the status of police reforms implementation before the next meeting.
He said the IGPs should be authorised to transfer and posting of police to lessen the force’s pressure. He directed the National Police Bureau to maintain the list of competent investigating officers for specialised investigation of different crimes.
KP IGP said 854 negligent officials faced the music while the Punjab police chief said the ban on buying new vehicles has been adding to police problems. Upon this, the Chief Justice expressed that the ban has only been imposed on the purchase of luxury vehicles, not on the operational vehicles.
However, the excessive and misuse of official vehicles should be looked into, which is giving a bad name to the police department among the general public, he added.
The National Police Bureau DG recommended a constitutional amendment to Section 510 CrPC in the light of the judgment of Justice Mansoor Ali Shah.
The CJP asked all IGPs to timely submit their progress reports on Complaint Redressal Cells and District Assessment Committees through Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan.
He stressed the police department needs to improve their capabilities to restore their efficacy, effectiveness and trust in people. For the fair investigation, the capabilities of Investigating Officers should be critically assessed.
He observed that the adverse image established in the society due to negative attitude of police officials' needs consideration because the positive attitude of police personals is as vital as their competence for protection of rights of common persons and the general public.
The chief justice said to ensure impartiality of police force and to eliminate undue influence upon Police Department, it is vital that the power of posting and transfers of the Police Officers/officials including PSP's of every rank should be assigned to the concerned IGPs.
Dr Shoaib Suddle, former IGP expressed that international practice of certification of IO's should be followed to enhance the standards of investigation and in case of misconduct IO should be de-certified which itself is a big punishment.
The chief justice said that self-accountability within police department would be beneficial for the public at large. In case of any law and order situation, the police force should play their pivotal role to every extent so that no other force, other than civil forces is called upon to overcome the situation.